Here are the facts.
So is wild camping legal?
Yes and No!
Wild camping is legal in Scotland and Dartmoor National Park.
Elsewhere, wild camping is illegal without requesting premission from the land owner.
However, wild camping is often tolerated in many parts of the UK.
If you decide to wild camp without seeking the land owner's permission follow these simple steps:
Camp above the highest fell wall
Stay away from animals
Stay away from footpaths
Always leave no trace #leavenotrace
Wild camping is being cracked down in some parts of the UK at the moment, particularly in the Peak District.
If you get approached by a land owner or warden who requests that you move on I would suggest doing so as politely and as quickly as possible. Do not start arguing as lawfully you are in the wrong.
Do not leave any rubbish. This is the main reason for the crackdown. Always take a carried bag with you to take all you rubbish away with you.